Welcome to the table.

“Name’s Blrblglrpl. Uh, that’s probably too hard for you to pronounce. Just call me Glrpl. Used to be a spy, but I gave that up a while back. Now I’m a treasure hunter, and any day now, I’m gonna strike it big. Just you wait and see!

Huh? Why did I quit spywork? Well….
Too many critical fails.”

What is Calamitas?

A fully open-ended tabletop role-playing game that aims to simplify familiar mechanics while at the same time expanding possibilities for players. How do we accomplish this?

  • The GM (Gamemaster) is optional. Players have everything they need right within the rulebook. Likewise, GMs aren’t barred from playing the game themselves–their job is to facilitate the role-playing, story development, and worldbuilding while also getting to enjoy the gameplay.
  • Players can use cartoon logic to bend the rules and perform feats that are otherwise impossible. If an animated character can use a visual gag to their advantage, a character in Calamitas can usually do it too.
  • All aspects of play, from the setting and story to character creation, are 100% freeform. No classes or species to choose from, no set world map. Players can even spend their Skill Points to create custom abilities for their characters.

What’s unique about our game?

  • Accessibility. Calamitas simplifies many of the processes seen in other tabletops. Want to use a Skill? Roll the dice, apply any Modifiers, see if the target reacts. That’s it.
  • Humor. We encourage players to go off the rails or be as serious and immersed as they want. Once you buy the book, it’s your game. GMs are optional, and they function mostly as players.
  • Freeform play. Even if players can’t decide on a setting or story, they can always borrow from another game, movie, or book. Why not recreate your favorite and put it inside Calamitas?

How to Play

Grab a pencil and paper, the rulebook (of course), some friends you like, and maybe one or two you don’t want anymore (you’ll see why very soon).
  • Decide what kind of story you want to tell, and imagine whatever character you like–a weird creature of some kind, a sentient object, something ethereal from beyond, it’s all up to you.
  • Invest your starting points. You have 5, which doesn’t seem like much, but you’ll collect more just by winning battle encounters, so they’ll add up before too long.
  • Now comes the fun part. In addition to Skill Points, Logic Points are used to bend the rules of reality and tap into cartoon physics. Pillar of ice in your way? Trade an LP, swallow a hot pepper, and blow fire. Broke your weapon? Apply some glue and it’s all fixed. If a character in a cartoon can get away with pulling some shenanigan to solve a problem, you can probably do it in Calamitas.
  • Now comes the other fun part. Remember those friends you want to get rid of? Use Corruption Points to sabotage their actions! Succeed, and YOU get to decide the consequences of their fail!

    Coming soon

    Keep an eye out for our email list signups, which will open soon. Once we begin sending out newsletters, you’ll get updates on our crowdfunding campaign, access to special offers, and an announcement upon release.

    Of course, your privacy matters. We will not hand out or sell any of your information, and we will not spam you. Our email list will be reserved exclusively for important information regarding the game, and emails will only be sent out when there is something relevant to share.